jueves, 29 de octubre de 2015

Care of Nursing in the perioperatorio

The nursing care of the patient to be operated on are realized three periods:
• preoperative
• Intraoperative
• postoperative
For greater legibility and locate the nursing care in these periods , you should consider the following classification:
·         Preoperatorio:            
·         Intraoperatorio o transoperatorio
·         Posoperatorio:           

Period preoperative: It is the time that elapses between the decision to perform surgery the patient until he is brought to the operating room. The decision can be planned or urgent.

Mediate: In the decision until 12 or 2 hours before, depending on the surgical procedure, either higher or lower.

Immediate: From 12 to 2 hours before surgery until the arrival to the operating room.
Consequential Care

Mediate: from the decision up to twelve or two hours earlier, depending on the surgical procedure, either higher or lower, respectively.
Nursing interventions in the immediate period can be:
General: those that are provided for each type of patient according to hospital routine established.

Specific: those that are provided according to the type of surgery that will be subjected.
Nursing interventions in the preoperative period aimed mental and physically prepare the patient will be surgically intervened.

Nursing interventions in the immediate preoperative period.

1. Patient reception and authorization for contaminantsormed consent


  • The period between the approach of the need for surgery and hospitalization are causing anxiety to the patient.
  • The psychological balance requires the development and ability to use the psychological mechanisms to avoid anxiety, and adequately adapt to different situations.

·       2. Participation in clinical examination


  • They are surgery physiological responses corresponding to the stress stages:

  1. Alarm to the stimulus alertness (tachycardia, hypertension, tachypnea) appear,
  2. Resistance adaptation stimulus reactions are maintained with less intensity,
  3. Exhaustion or inability to adapt

  •      They are psychological responses to surgery, loss of control in a situation of dependence in relation to the health team; fear of surgical experience, anesthesia, pain, loss of limb and death; concern over the separation from his family, possible alteration of patterns of life
·         The fear increases the surgical risk and predisposes patients to life-threatening complications as states of shock and heart rhythm disturbances

·         All surgery requires legal authorization (consent download information)

·         Consent under information is based on patient self-determination to assert their rights to decide will be done with your body and not be forced to accept unwanted treatment.

  •     Cardiovascular and respiratory devices, along with the urinary tract have a homeostatic role in the human body.

·         A proper assessment to surgery increases the wound tissue regeneration and reduces or prevents the         intraoperative and postoperative complications
·         Tests of blood count, urinalysis, blood clotting times and ESG can supplement the assessment of the physical condition of the patient.

3. Participation in physical preparation of the patient


  • Each patient has an individual situation, therefore, the correction of abnormal physiological states depends on your medical condition and weight
  •  Un estado óptimo relacionado con la nutrición favorece la reparación tisular y aumenta la resistencia a la infección.
  • A state of dehydration predisposes a state of shock, retention of metabolic waste products and electrolyte disturbances.
  • Exercise helps reduce post-promote tissue repair in minimum time circulatory complications.
  • Fear of surgery alters the rest and sleep of the patient.
4monitoring frequency and characteristics of elimination


  • Electrolyte balance the body requires a certain amount of defined amounts of water and electrolytes.
  • The body fluid (water, electrolytes) contained in 60% or 70% of body weight, acts as an intermediate body for chemical reactions are carried out, as curator of healthy cells, providing water and electrolytes to the secretions and excretions.
5. personal cleanliness

·         The sanitization process is the security level decreases, the number of bacterial contaminants.

6. drug administration

·         The night sedation is aimed at reducing the apprehension and ensure sleep

7. Emotional and spiritual support:
• Fear of the unknown, of death and disability and even fatal prognosis, alter the balance psychophysiological .

8- Specific measures:
•The orientation and implementation of procedures related to breathing exercises , expulsion of secretions, mobilization or use of equipment , influences collaboration during the postoperative period without fear of pain, anxiety or other aspects.
•The use of an enema on the eve of surgery to prevent postoperative intestinal disorders.
•The injury and colonization of the dermis is a risk factor of surgical wound infection .
• Surgical procedures are classified

Objective function :
- healing to repair , replace or remove diseased tissues or organs
- to improve aesthetic appearance.
-Explorer to determine a diagnosis
- palliative to reduce or delay clinical disease process
- Reparative to restore lost function or correct deformities
• Depending emergency or life-threatening :
- Scheduled according to the convenience of the patient or surgeon.
- Urgent or to avoid immediate danger or threat to the physical integrity or life

Immediate care

1. Monitor and record vital signs
•          Vital signs determine the state of health and disease.
•          Some medications tend to disrupt vital signs.

2. Physical preparation of the patient.
•          The sanitation and antisepsis are processes that control the growth and development of pathogens.
•          The cleaning , waxing or shaving off the area to intervene in the immediate preoperative period facilitates the cleanliness and visibility , in addition to reducing the frequency of infection .
•          The injury and colonization of the dermis is a risk factor of surgical wound infection
•          The wool , plastic, nylon, nacrón , rayon, and metal objects are electrostatic materials.
•          Bladder distention infers adequate exposure of the abdominal contents
•          The placement of the surgical clothes to the patient (clinical gown , hat or turban , elastic stockings or bandages chaps ) is applied in aseptic surgical field.
•          The pressure in superficial veins decreases the risk of deep vein thrombosis.

3. Administration preanesthetic medication 30 or 45 min before surgery
•          The maximum effect of premedication between his administration and the induction of anesthesia is obtained between 45 and 60 min.
•          premedication reduces anxiety , basal metabolism , the secretions from the airways, reflex irritability and counteracts the undesirable side effects of the anesthetic
•          Barbiturates produce minimal cardiorespiratory depression and have a ipnotico and sedative effect.
•          Opioids produce necrosis, raise the pain threshold and decrease motor irritability, can cause nausea , vomiting, constipation and postoperative contraction of smooth muscle stimulation .
•          belladonna derivatives have depressant action inhibiting the formation of mucus.
•          The choice of anesthetic depends on the physical and mental condition , age and weight of the patient and the surgical anesthetic procedure or features
4. Perform the specific measures according to the type of surgery.
•          Timely development of actions for patient risk , ensures a high degree of attention to their health
•          The preoperative preparation in emergency surgery is limited to basic essential details , such as channeling vein clotting time , check hemoglobin and blood type , evacuation of gastric contents if necessary , removal of the urine to empty the bladder and get samples for laboratory study

5.Transfer stretcher trolley patient surgical unit or ward corresponding operations upon the specific identification method for each institution
• The presence of nursing staff provides physical and psychological patient safety

6. Take the patient to the nursing staff working with the full medical record .
• The communication process increases a helping relationship

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